Sustainable Water management
At Domburg Holiday Resort, we invest in nature and sustainability with an innovative water management system. Rainwater from our roof and paved ground is collected, purified and used for flushing, drinking water for animals and irrigation of gardens, riding arenas and grassland. This saves more than 5,000 m³ of mains water a year and helps against soil desiccation and salinisation.
Step 1 Water buffer
Rainwater from our buildings is directed to a 350 m³ underground water buffer via a feeder drain. This underground water buffer, the Rain Shell©, consists of an AA shell mix with a 70% storage capacity. Thanks to the rapid absorption of water in the Rain Shell©, we capture all the rainwater even during peak showers. Thus, no precious rainwater is lost and the draining waterways are relieved.
Step 2 Shell filter
At the bottom of the Rain Shell©, the buffered water passes through a mineral mix (AA minerals), removing any dissolved pollutants.
An outlet drain then directs the treated water to a connected pump pit.
Step 3 Fresh water
The treated water in the sump is then directed to four vertical infiltration pipes. These infiltrate the water via the DSI® technique into an aquifer at a depth of 16 metres in the soil, where it forms a so-called ‘sweet bubble’. This creates a seasonal buffer of treated fresh water.
Step 4 Sprinkling
A well pipe is installed in the ‘sweet bubble’, allowing us to pump the treated water back from the soil and use it as rinse water, drinking water for animals and irrigation water for our gardens, riding arenas and grassland.
Watch the operation of this system explained in an animation here.